Intelligence for all - 60 year future history
2 hours ago
education to celebrate every child's creativity with tech never been scaled- lets just do edutech 2020s 5G AI & 17 sdg decade -1962 first of 100 AI debates dad calculator back from japan- what if everyone owned a calculator?
Jack Ma is excited to support the next generation of entrepreneurs: “Early days were so tough for me. Nobody helped us. Today I'm able to help. It would be an honor for me.” Apply to the @AFNetpreneurs (ANPI) and win a chance to pitch to Jack!
Check out these wonderful highlights from last year's award presentation ceremony:
Yidan Prize Award Presentation Ceremony 2019 will take place on 1 December at Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.
#YidanPrize #YidanPrizeLaureates
I will support the Schwarzman Scholars Program for students from Japan. Press Release
Jerry Yang of Yahoo: Why I Believed in Alibaba [Podcast] …
Thanks to Hirohito - by Norman Macrae (1989) -japan miracle builds number 1 economy of win-win world trade corridor -korea taiwan hk singapore by 1975..n Few would have forecast in 1901 that a prince, who was told at birth that he was the direct descendant of a Storm God and..
Dick Tracy explains AI in one sentence. Ha
nice summary of the potential for healthcare and AI. …
AI Apprenticeship Programme Public Briefing Registration is open.
December 9 @ 9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
Register at:
yoko ono+60: AI:5G Reiwa era hub 1000 moon race IR4-earth by olympics celebrate livelihood edu for girls- to map : emperor's family, maso son & sdg vision billionaires,fazle abed, jack ma & un & jim kim, schwarzman at mit & tsinghua
Creative hope for refugees, memories recovered through music, our rapidly approaching celebration of the 500th SFH Piano placed to date... & more. Check out the latest at #SingforHope at …! @Liquitex @nycparks @Fosun_Intl @elsistemagreece
great nhk program on koichi
dear bezos consider alexis' daughter - end poverty girlsAI teacher assistant : eg fazle abed … brac = bangla & world #1 in girls livelihood edu- 0.25 bn jobs npr before gates/ma. Back 1972 2 missing curricula rice & barefoot nurses
see why adam smith noted english speaking education system was not designed to help all children be creative …
The ongoing Huawei saga, explained in brief - via @techreview … the SWG purpose of huawei 5g is & always will be to bring a million virtual helpers to any extreme local crisis- that's not the tech for little big rocket men but will #metoo
ever again be real

In Peter Tang and Tsung-han Lin’s accepted paper at #ICLR2019, they demonstrate how to solve the l1-minimizing dictionary learning problem using spiking neurons by combining ideas of top-down feedback and contrastive learning. Learn more: #intelAI
Kindness and compassion are the future's most important attributes according to @kaifulee.
In education, everything we do is about preparing our students for the future. Do we spend long enough teaching these?
Published by: @ntu_teach
A new podcast with @dannyfortson
Speaking at the 2019 Milken Institute Global Conference, Two Sigma co-chair David Siegel joined Sinovation Ventures' @kaifulee and Bloomberg's @joelwebershow to discuss the challenges and opportunities AI offers for individuals, companies, and societies.
Zach Dwiel, Madhavun Candadai (@madvnCV), Mariano Phielipp (@mphielipp), and Arjun Bansal (@coffeephoenix) present their poster session: Hierarchical Policy Learning is Sensitive to Goal Space Design –at #ICLR2019 TARL Workshop: #intelAI
“AI is the new electricity. AI will create unprecedented wealth. Global AI market by 2030 will be 15,7 trillion $. “
Amazing speech about #AI by Kai-Fu Lee @kaifulee at #VivaTech.
“AI is here. AI is going to change the world.” – at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles
We’re inspired by @kaifulee’s conversation about the impact of artificial intelligence (#AI) on the future of young people and the future of #education. #JA100
Thanks for the live broadcast.
replace mandatory use of psychology councillors in all us schools by optimistic ai counsellors- i am out to change schools in dmv (dc maryland virginia) before amazon lands on us- if you support ai councillors mail me lets do a …
Come join these excellent kids from rural China in a drawing class
LIVE on #CCtalk
#HujiaProject #美丽乡村 #教育公益