Celebrate Neumann's &Japan's gifts to humanity since 1945, all Asia Rising 1960+MacraeFriends and Family
Future July 2020..If you care about two out of 3 lives mattering who are Asian, nearly 60 years of miracles mapping around worldwide decision-makers considering Japan from 1962 are worth replaying -that's when my father Norman Macrae aged 39 was privileged to write his first signed survey in The Economist -the first 2 quarters of dad's 80+ years of life had been spent
**writing unsigned leaders in The Economist (eg as only journalist at Messina's birth of EU) after serving as teenager in world war 2 navigating air places uk bomber command region modern day bangladesh/myanmar -

Asia Rising Surveys

in 60 years

Thursday, December 31, 2020

tokyo forum - global commons stewardship

 naoko ishhi 

video clips from sachs sdgn

final thoughts ishhi

The Tokyo Forum 2020 Online, which was co-hosted by the University of Tokyo and the Chey Institute for Advanced Studies in South Korea on December 3rd and 4th, 2020, will be condensed to a one-hour program and broadcasted on TV.

Channel: TV Symposium, NHK

waughray dominic -economic forum

rockstrom institute climate research impact hyperconnected exps -tipping points universal change -  COMPETING NATURE SCALE

extreme events 2020s- planetary emergency- left earth range od climate

tipping points arctic atlantoc amazon coral reefs - see waughray diagram-domino effect

9 variables biosphere


project optinist - paris 2015 figueres christiana  cimate -disrupted natual evolution  -convention climate

after 2030 doesnt matter what humans do -the decisive decade

funance sector - slow start sparking concern - assets at risk -100 banks around world exclided coal as asn asset from portfolio

corportions beyond financal sector -1000 corporations joined tghe race to netzero by 2050- original invest-divest movement shifted 14 trillion dollars?

-slowly increased corporate understaning plus opportunities of decarbonisation

scalespeed are concern

paul polman - globalism not working at scale


ckimte chage fd securit 

why we have franewok sdgs -165 targets needbusibess- no busiess case in enduring poveety

busine=60% dgp 80% financial flow 90% jobs

japan korea getting together can lead this

also philppines indonesia aus need to recofigure

commitments japan and korea civil sociery spoke up

whole industries must change - gove must lever positively

speed and skill- business go first will have the advantage

far east can lead these coalitions


vera songwe   commission for africa -carbon sinks   tcad - japn africa-

depends on attacting right investors

on contunent need jbs infrastructure - cant wait to 2050


ishhi global commons center university of tokyo

ishii uni tokyo global commons

ishii how get there startung to do things differenbtly today

==================== next panel tokyo forum

global commons center

global commons stewardshp index  with yale center

arosols biodiverist ckimate hange land use icean water - 6 cats

japan domesric good- global imports bad


next saession transforing food

food -ie human eneergy system- system as important as machine energy syste



steer world resources institute

how big chanfe we need?

commoditie 5 million farmer chair worl   -verghese mass metamorphis agri value chain as whole preserve biodiversity/nature hundres million small farmers - non-sustianable - peoplecetral- big action gap 5 million farmer association -tailored framer program trin 18000 farmers on regerative methods - also schools curricula - need granular actions butterfly not just imptved catierpilar

sec gen adviser food conference 2021 agnes kalibata rwanda - back to normal

china agri university cgir  shenggen 

uni tokyo prof hideaki uni of tokyo

korea tae yong  -university


hideaki u of tokyo - quality of food nutrition needs undstanding - externalitue need to be made transparent - understand biodiversity connetions with food supply chains

-platforms integration

 chey instute  u tokyo tae yong - our systems out of balance- cant take systenm for granted ay more

-make it demabd driven bottom up

spec ambassodor good kalibata 2021 food summit un  rwanda soecial envoy- must change behaviors 

In 2021UN Secretary-General António Guterres will convene a Food Systems Summit as part of the Decade of Action to achieve the Sustainable Development ...


Events - Vision and Principles - SDGs - ...


The first event titled Farms and Farmers of the Future is ...

 how do you see  -shenggen china role - carbon neutrality cant just be by importing others non-green food
-ie work withimport associaion- also inform chinese consumers

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