(edutech*fintech)- what are fashion, youth friendship, peace and japans greatest connection with maolympics going to be, and how can this be celebrated along every Belt Road participating nation

so the question i ask you -whether its oneworlldkimono or any of each of your favorite frendship or culture networks - to consider is how you sell to jack ma and how to turn the communities for all (and education beyond classroom) collaboration chalenge into student union clkubs everywhere
my first recmmendation (because it costs next to nothing to do and can show trust) is to publish a series consider japan-china-bangladesh and leave copies in jacks partners offices like BRAC (bkash) at the places visitors wait - japan is in such a privileged position it has august 1 2018 to august 1 to 2019 to arrange g20 kyoto- jack gave aup about 6 months of his time working on hangzhou g20 because of his sposorship of the olympics it would be so rude if whomever runs japan g20 doesnt ask for his help furst given he is the un's number 1 youth entrepreneur and assuming japan dies want its g20 to include youth (the trial korea olmpics started well; by the time we get to beijing winter olympics we need to be flkying so that the china-ma-rejuvenation dream makes the american dream so very 20th century- we then land on paris 2024 climate where we know macron , jinping and bbc 4-prince chales nature correspodents are dying to help
the specific question is how are YOU UNIQUELY going to help jack with
for student unions to catalogue all the greatest community for all celebrations- so special olypics is one it alreay hapens in 1000 communities monicaa yunus is another it can be spread from new york to anywhere afytre 16 yeras work on musicians response to 9/11
when kimono comes to fashions it will be a crowded field
jack has already explained he empowers youth to create fashions on taobao - he has trained about 20000 people on thais at 7 massive 3000 person mastercalsses- serious americans came to detroit or toronto to unerstand how to brand this
there is absolutely a fashion competition to be help every time the belt road crosses a previously sad border - whenever xi jinping is personally involeved in archotectire projects he insistss on a twin youth zone and developing ongpin activities- kimono art isnt enough with extextile it might be
there is amy's idea to make learning english 10 tiems less costly every time some countries youth want to learn english- organises 20000 live classrooms across china- clearly whatever becomes 5th graders main fashion competition for peace needs to also be a curriculum of fashions- and cultures- one of the cofounders of the committee 100 already runs the silk road cultural entrepreneur club - we sort of ought to have talked to him by now
there is the idea brac and others eg mostofa's frineds in india who runs the guiness book of records worls laregst school and the only one ceritfied by unesco to offer peace as an action curriculum= already use in primary school- they dont just teach languages but they develop content for 3rd grade to see diffent countries citures- of course this goes back to the number 1 think jack ma spent all his time on until he was 30 as a tourist guide learning what was outside china
ian's frend who advises prince charles has laready told charels he sgould reorganise all of teh palaces;s community works as if they were a trip advisor to how you could get involeved in your communit- prince charels needs to bring taht to tokyo 2020 and ask jack to do it for every country starting with english and chiense additions, by all means talk to jica or someone and get trilingual; if you do find someone to adopt the princes trip advisor we will need that person to be the main japanese connector of all of above -one reason why is the biggest uk investirs alongside charels are teh sainsburys family who are good freidns of my father and lead prince charleslauresets for microeneregy
my point is that whatever is the lead fashipons for community and peace and arts-clotehes, extextiles brads has to be the one jack ma sees as the graeest collaborator
since i need to talk about this in 2 weeks time in dhaka - and since i have no talent fir fashions- i would recommend you see if amy can pull together all of your views in a way that passes my questions- that way we can ask sir fazle family if the idea is already near enough for them o pitch to jack ma and he can then pitch it to belt road new development banking and so firth -if yoiu can give her a kimono to model betetr still -it wpuld be best if it had bkash's bird logo flying all over it- i dont want tobe ride to jack ma but i believe birds may work beteter than ants as the number 1 logo of fintech (that will need very slow careful debate - he may be correct maybe ants can anime into something - only youth know whcich they see as sympoloing financial freedom) -people spend hundreds of yeras just on one global logo that's why i dont encourage people to compete at that starting point
related news from 2018 version of breaking 4 May 2018
related news from 2018 version of breaking 4 May 2018
as you my know my favorite news last week (or this century!) was jack ma's 20% partnership with sir fazle abed's fintech company in bangaldesh - the question of can edtech and fintech come together around poorest community girls empowerment and eg all of china's south asia region (or other girls belt road trading routes tpo sustainability) starts here imo (glad to know where else it starts)
Learning Revolutions: Creating Educational Environments for Empowerment and Inclusion
New York, USA – September 22, 2018
The World Innovation Summit for Education (WISE) is organizing WISE@NY on September 22 in New York City as part of the Global Goals Week – a series of events during the United Nations General Assembly week, under the auspices of the UN Foundation.
WISE@NY will serve as a convening platform for influential local and international thought leaders, decision makers and practitioners from diverse sectors to share best practices in education and reimagine learning environments.
Through a mix of plenaries and innovative and interactive sessions, WISE@NY will address the role of learning environments in creating an inclusive and equitable future. Participants will have the opportunity to explore important questions such as: How can we design effective and inclusive learning systems? How can we leverage multi-stakeholder partnerships to achieve these outcomes?
More information will be posted soon on the WISE website.
For queries, please contact our team at
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