Funny maths of what value multiplications needs to compound when time or money people spend on global communications doubles approximately every 7 years from 2% in 1955 2015-1955= 60 years so we have already had over 8 value doublings! thats a multiplier of 256 population 2015 is nearly 3 times more than in 1955 30% of market that needs (if spending so much on global communications is to be sustainable) to be in real terms 10 times more health and wealthy per person and connecting about about times more population15*10*3=450 times multiplier of human capacity compared with 1955 interpretation if we cannot yet see how the millennial genertation can be invetsed in to be between 250 and 450 times more empowered by the way we have designed global vilage networking then we are not yet on a sustainable pathway to designing smartest open education media human race has ever celebrated what did the diary see people start mapping as death of distance (borderless) worlds emerged-and would mans design of this be compativlbe with bottom up and open systems design nature already rules evolution with 1955-1962 -calculators and beyond planet communications become possible 1962-1969 moon race and worldwide telecoms 1970-1976 vision of first internet generation mediated as early elearning networks experimented with -economist published entreprenurial revolutiuon - none of 20th cenetiry's larget organsiational systems can susteian open networked generation - will economists remap in time 1984 book maps all major sustainablity deadlines by 18=990 world laregst organsiations knowledge networked around the world and www b is born by 1997 mobile communications emerging as are fisrt 7 yera learning curve of www by 2004 worlds porest vilager networks partnerships expertinenting with mobile leapfrogging | Please note these are rough calaculations- but if anyone shows you something precise about this moores law dynamic you can bet they are trying to control bot free your global communications use. Put another way we have already enetred an age wher the lost life critical information to share doubles in new content every 5 yeras; we no longer need on group of tecahers and one of stdents everyone needs to valye collaboration action learning netwiorking if sustainability is tro be earned all over the world by 2030 |
... while i understand amdinistrators of huge public funds or billanthropy are scared not to get quick returns- if they cant overcome that fear they shouldnt be in the job because: development's impacts are exponential, inter-generational the unique advantages of net generation need to linkin open society, value ending boundaries bet5ween peoples in uniting human race to end poverty big decision makers are also liable to be the el least qualified people in the world to have experienced living with the
ultra poorest- if those who adminstrate their funds cant help the celebrate POP Preferential Option Poor networking -they are auditing the wrong models as far as human sustainablity and millennials empowerment are concerned If we have stoked your curiosity try out or some of these links
--- world bank tedx ; lancet 2013 paper on global health's social valuation; 2003 Farmer biography Mountains beyond mountains; the seminal 2013 book Reimagining Global Health-an introduction by Farmer, Kim and about 12 other Partner in Health operational leaders in countries or critical disease communities PIH now operates out of;. 60 minute audio debriefing on West Africa Ebola by Kim and Framer 9 December 2014 soon to be published by 2013 dialogue between Kim and Pope Francis,