Celebrate Neumann's &Japan's gifts to humanity since 1945, all Asia Rising 1960+MacraeFriends and Family
Future July 2020..If you care about two out of 3 lives mattering who are Asian, nearly 60 years of miracles mapping around worldwide decision-makers considering Japan from 1962 are worth replaying -that's when my father Norman Macrae aged 39 was privileged to write his first signed survey in The Economist -the first 2 quarters of dad's 80+ years of life had been spent
**writing unsigned leaders in The Economist (eg as only journalist at Messina's birth of EU) after serving as teenager in world war 2 navigating air places uk bomber command region modern day bangladesh/myanmar -

Asia Rising Surveys

in 60 years

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

personal experiences series 1 of of how human japanese approach to aid is, and how it has inspired inmapcts on world youth citizens I met ola at Massachussetts Institute Technology  video 1- she is a nigerian brit but how big leap forward in training came from japan  twitter
 age 25 she has innovated nigeria's flying doctor service; during her mit talk , the senior entrepreneur professor at sloan management school said I wish you would come and teach here

  • Ola Orekunrin at TEDxSendai (English) - YouTube

    Oct 12, 2012 - Uploaded by TEDx Talks
    Dr Ola Orekunrin is the Managing Director of Flying Doctors Nigeria Ltd, West ... In 2008, she was awarded the ...
  • Womenomics | Ola Orekunrin | TEDxBerlinSalon - YouTube
    Jan 26, 2015 - Uploaded by TEDx Talks
    This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Ola Orekunrin ...
  • Monday, April 27, 2015

    Map Hiro2

    Where would world be without tese links
    Tokyo University
    Global Social Value of Tokyo Medical Millennials

    Indonesia end-poverty partnership with Toyota Development Networks and Dubai
    Middle East end-poverty partnerships with Abdul Latif and MIT

    Sunday, April 26, 2015

    my biggest questions from and coeditors of EconomistPoor EconomistYouth EconomistWomen EconomistAsia EconomistChina EconomistAmerica EconomistAfrica

    my biggest questions in era of 4000 times more spent on worldwide communications

    story of what sustainability  exponetials up and down since 1946 era of 4000 times more spent on worldwide communications- doubling every 7 years 1946-2030

    First 7 risings (exponential opportunities and threats) mapped real-time in The Economist and with future timelines- can we connect dots on three taking us to 2018 -175th anniversary and through the last two of 2030now

    who could be feartured in world record book of job creation and through 5 billion person elearning channels - why health and education were the 2 litmus trillion dollar markets to free to end mans greatest risk- discrepancies of incomes and expectations of rich and poor nations -how japan and the korea then china's superports and mainland were the unstoppable movement world of millennials needed to celebrate- where are these crossborder connections already empower millennials to sustainability- which are biggest risks to fill next

    Q1 will these friends (eg Norman Macrae Remembrance Alumni) come together and if so who can they invite next


    eg how to win-win with Kim or Ma or who
    online library of norman macrae--.
    welcome to Journalists for humanity Special Archive for 2015 UN Women EmpowerMobile Millennials Sustainability
    1991 Survey looking forward to The End of Big Banks contoling Politicians
    1:08 0:39
    #1975now to#2025now Partners in World Record Book of Job Creation
    The curriculum of Entrepreneurial Revolution was started up in The Economist by my father Norman Macrae 1 2 to debate the 4 greatest ignorances that the rich'swestern world was starting the 4th quarter of the 20th century with.

    Not understanding what failed system is identified with rural poverty -eg lack on infrastructures of electricity, educational-communications, running water and sanitation, roads and so time-sensitive supplies of life critical goods including basic nutrition infants need

    World RecordPOP
    • Kim
    • Abed
    • Yunus
    • Soros
    Over the 24 months of 2014-2015 we will be reporting connections between youth summits wherever we can linkin and assemble micro-wikis around the above issues - you can help us here: Googledoc the most collaborative 24 month race youth have played
    word bank video curricula rice mushrooms carrots chickens dairy more
    ATL? staging the most scalable and game changing millennials network in 2015's year of sustainability? Other nominations welcome

    next diaries---

    Monday, April 20, 2015

    Funny maths of what value multiplications needs to compound when time or money people spend on global communications doubles approximately every 7 years from 2% in 1955 2015-1955= 60 years so we have already had over 8 value doublings! thats a multiplier of 256 population 2015 is nearly 3 times more than in 1955 30% of market that needs (if spending so much on global communications is to be sustainable) to be in real terms 10 times more health and wealthy per person and connecting about about times more population15*10*3=450 times multiplier of human capacity compared with 1955 interpretation if we cannot yet see how the millennial genertation can be invetsed in to be between 250 and 450 times more empowered by the way we have designed global vilage networking then we are not yet on a sustainable pathway to designing smartest open education media human race has ever celebrated what did the diary see people start mapping as death of distance (borderless) worlds emerged-and would mans design of this be compativlbe with bottom up and open systems design nature already rules evolution with 1955-1962 -calculators and beyond planet communications become possible 1962-1969 moon race and worldwide telecoms 1970-1976 vision of first internet generation mediated as early elearning networks experimented with -economist published entreprenurial revolutiuon - none of 20th cenetiry's larget organsiational systems can susteian open networked generation - will economists remap in time 1984 book maps all major sustainablity deadlines by 18=990 world laregst organsiations knowledge networked around the world and www b is born by 1997 mobile communications emerging as are fisrt 7 yera learning curve of www by 2004 worlds porest vilager networks partnerships expertinenting with mobile leapfroggingPlease note these are rough calaculations- but if anyone shows you something precise about this moores law dynamic you can bet they are trying to control bot free your global communications use. Put another way we have already enetred an age wher the lost life critical information to share doubles in new content every 5 yeras; we no longer need on group of tecahers and one of stdents everyone needs to valye collaboration action learning netwiorking if sustainability is tro be earned all over the world by 2030
    ... while i understand amdinistrators of huge public funds or billanthropy are scared not to get quick returns- if they cant overcome that fear they shouldnt be in the job because: development's impacts are exponential, inter-generational the unique advantages of net generation need to linkin open society, value ending boundaries bet5ween peoples in uniting human race to end poverty big decision makers are also liable to be the el least qualified people in the world to have experienced living with the ultra poorest- if those who adminstrate their funds cant help the celebrate POP Preferential Option Poor networking -they are auditing the wrong models as far as human sustainablity and millennials empowerment are concerned If we have stoked your curiosity try out or some of these links Sources for millennials Happy 2015 dialogues of pih on 1 Ebola 2 how to leverage technology to radically engage patients on health care; UN is 2015 year of all change to sustainability goals
    --- world bank tedx ; lancet 2013 paper on global health's social valuation; 2003 Farmer biography Mountains beyond mountains; the seminal 2013 book Reimagining Global Health-an introduction by Farmer, Kim and about 12 other Partner in Health operational leaders in countries or critical disease communities PIH now operates out of;. 60 minute audio debriefing on West Africa Ebola by Kim and Framer 9 December 2014 soon to be published by 2013 dialogue between Kim and Pope Francis,

    Saturday, April 11, 2015

    Maths of Communications and Community
    Several generations of my family have specialised in this. For example I have deeply analysed more data on impacts of tv ads and of elearning than anyone alive. Unfortunately I have lived through half a century that has ended up spending 5 times more on communications -in worse and worse ways as far our next generation's sustainability is concerned

    Do contact me if you would like to discuss sustainability consequences- for example if you live in a once rich nation that is putting more and more youth out of work, this is a most extreme of all communications crises because during the industrial age it may have been the case that richest nations developed at the expense (eg risk externalisation) of poorer nations. The whole point of seeing to futurise the post-industrial (entrepreneurial) revolution that my father argued for in The Economist from 1970 was that we could design net generations and borderless "death of distance" worlds around trades that no longer caused one side to be the ,loser.

    For example knowhow multiplies value in use unlike industrial age's consuming up things  linkedin 9500 washington dc region mobile 240 316 8157 partners in publishing world record boo and games of ob creation

    about Norman Macrae Foundation - NormanChrisIsabella
    contact washington dc 301 881 1655  1 2 3 4

    Friday, November 29, 2013

    Ted Turner  first billionaire to declare that most of his fortune would be given to youth's millennium collaboration goals; spent his 75th birthday celebrating launch of Atlanta as twin million jobs creating youth capital ; innovated 24 hours news channel; CNN now celebrates a youth heroes competition 1 2; the inspirations of Ted Turner and fellow billionnaire gifter Mo Ibrahim have stimulated interesting paris-connected networks :
    Africa24tv  -100 satellite tv journalist searching out Africa's most trusted leaders; - a collective of film-makers and youth action networs opposed to bad news coverage of developing our planet

    Thursday, November 28, 2013

    Tell us if you know of any economic journalists youth should study first

    From the obituary of Sir Alistair Burnet (changed The Economist, changed nightly global news on commercial UK tv from 10 minutes to half hour,  "And Finally' concluded each half-hour with a happy news item

    became a staunch supporter of the Institute of Economic Affairs. He explained how they were: "polite, even courteous, plainly intelligent fellows who enjoyed an argument... The intellectual concussion caused by the revolution conducted by Ralph Harris and Arthur Seldon from 1957 onwards, upon the body politic and economic was cumulative and, eventually, decisive. Policies that were deemed to be politically impossible and unpopular by politicians, civil servants, captains of industry and the trade unions were discovered to be practical, popular and successful. Even television and the newspapers began to get the idea... Success has many fathers, but none have better deserved the recognition and acclaim than the founding fathers of the IEA, who did the work. They did the fighting. They took the risks. They had the solutions."

    Friday, June 11, 2010


    Its 40+ years since my father started the search foropen education entrepreneurial revolutionaries at The Economist. Both our lives were irrevocably changed when we became involved in 1972 with students' early digital learning experiments linking in universities in North of England (grandly called UK national Development Project in Computer Assisted learning)

    With respect to Bill Drayton -who lent on my father's belief that economics is only useful when it values youthful entrepreneurs- I do not recommend social entrepreneurship to youth wherever 

    1. it fails to connect with open education as the opportunity for net generation to be 10 times more productive, peaceful and sustainable than humanly possible before
    2. win-win-win business modeling isn't communally celebrated and openly replicated as far as humanly possible

    Some relatively unacknowledged favorites in addition to Taddy Blecher are: 
    The Gandhi family at and 
    The New Zealand and Chinese revolution linked in to Gordon Dryden at 
    The evolution of dialogues at MIT's new media lab from founder Negropronte's $100 atop to Joi Ito's recent contributions at ; similarly the whole of open education and open technology movement that MIT has nurtured around the integrity of Berners Lee

    Of course we love Khan Academy and the edgy segment of partners in MOOC (bravo coursera's Koller) who want to see millions of youth viralise 9 minute training modules they have never had a chance to OLA before..

    click to see UNESSCO certificate
    The 2002 UNESCO Prize for Peace Education has been awarded to the City Montessori School, Lucknow (India) in recognition of its efforts to promote the universal values of education for peace and tolerance at a time when these values are increasingly being challenged. (see link)

    click to see GUINNESS certificate
    The largest school by pupils is the City Montessori School, Lucknow, India. (see link)

    CMS enters 2013 Guinness Book of World Records